Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 2 and 3.. Ish

So, I'm a little bit confused, timing wise. I basically lost a day, what with the long flight and the 7 hour time change. In any event, the first few days have been a blur. A few things have stood out, however.

First of all, getting here was just as interesting as getting to the hotel. I forgot to mention that when I arrived at the hotel (day 1), my room was on the 3rd floor, check in was on the 1st floor, and the elevator was broken. YAY! Imagine something along those lines arriving in London. I ended up being on the same flight as one of my classmates, so we hired a cab together to get to the London Centre (oh yes, another cabbie story). You know how London cabbies are famed for knowing every little detail about the city? Yeah, not so much. Our cabbie ended up taking us to Kensington Court, not Palace Court. We ended up walking around (with our luggage), and running into the Iranian embassy, being guarded by a bobby (police).  We asked him for directions and found out that Palace Court was on the other side of the nearby park, about a 10 minute walk. Trick was, we still had all our luggage, and I must mention that the airline smashed the bottom of one of my suitcases, so the pegs were missing and I ended up losing a wheel and having to drag the thing. It was kind of cool though because the park ended up being the embassy park, so we walked past the Israeli, Kuwait, Russian, Norwegian, Romanian, and half a dozen other embassies that I can't remember on the way. I would have gotten pictures, but it wasn't allowed. I didn't feel like being shot and/or arrested. I had enough issues with my luggage. Oh, oh, oh, it gets better! (I'll mention now that I wasn't really annoyed throughout all this-- there wasn't a point... It was more like a "Really?... Urngh" morning). We finally get to the London Centre, and it turns out that I am in dorm 4. You'd think fourth floor at most. Nope... There are a couple of floors devoted to bathrooms/classrooms first. So I am on the 6th floor. No lifts. Luggage.  Hahahaha! I will be very fit by the end of this.  I'll have to post a picture of it all soon.

Anyway, the rest of that day and yesterday, our professors wanted us to have a fly by of everything nearby, so we've walked about 10 miles in the last two days. We stopped by Trafalger Square three or four times, swung by the British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, National Portrait Gallery, Buckingham Palace, etc, but we didn't really stop. It was just a lay of the land kind of few days. We're supposed to continue today, but we do have class first. I've got some pictures to put up, but like I said, class. Update in a bit!

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