Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 1 (Sort of)

Well, I'm not actually in London yet. I have a 24hr layover in Chicago. Rather then spend the night at the airport (which wouldn't have worked out anyway because they only allow you to check your luggage all the way through if your flights are right next to each other, or if your flight is the last or first of the day, so I had to go pick it all up), I'm at a hotel for the night. It was "fun"getting to this point. I ended up getting to the airport later than I had hoped, and then my confirmation code wouldn't work. I was trying to stay upbeat and chipper throughout it all, but it's not easy when everything has the potential to end disastrously (i.e. missing my flight). I eventually got through however, with 12 minutes to spare... YAY!

The actual flight itself wasn't bad... A few moments of turbulence, but that's it. Really all it did was wake me up from a nap. The lady next to me... Not so much. She kinda freaked out a bit, and then when drinks came around I noticed she went straight for the drink if you catch my meaning. Nice lady though.

Interesting fact-- the first ever McDonald's is about a mile away from my hotel. Apparently they've made it into a sort-of museum (learned this from my cab driver... Very nice man. Just put his oldest in Southern Illinois University... Good for him!). Other than that? Worked on my first assignment for class, read The Loss of the Creature, by Walker Percy. Very interesting actually. I didn't agree with all of his points, and certainly not under all circumstances, but an engaging read all the same. I'll write more on that later (seeing as I still have to write a response paper on it), but for now, I'm tired... Good night!

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