Sunday, September 11, 2011

Well.. Week 2?

So, I've been lazy/busy (funny how that works out) and haven't updated this in about a week. Sorry about that! It was a really good week though! To begin with, I have found my new favorite candy bar(s). It's a tie between the toffee crisp and a fudge whipped chocolate bar... :D Happiness in chocolate form.  (For the record, it was an assignment from my relief society president).

Well, Sunday was fun/ tiring. We went to our first meeting in our new ward. I'm in the Whitechapel ward that meets waaaaaay out in the boonies. It's not too hard to get to, it's just long, maybe a 45 min tube ride/walk. So far it's been pleasant weather though :) Nice and cold, with the occasional rain drizzle. Our ward is so nice though! It's really small, but I love the leadership. The bishop's wife is the nicest lady ever. She informed us that she is not to be known as "Sister Bishop/ Sister Odoi", but very emphatically as "Vida". I like her all ready. This Sunday (today, not last week) was nice too. It was kind of funny getting there-- I didn't know we stuck out so much! We were passing by a group of people (dressed nicely; like Sunday dress; I didn't even really notice) who greeted us with a "Have a good meeting Sisters!". I think it is a safe assumption that they were members... Anyway, we also got our callings. I'm in nursery!! For those of you who laugh, I'm excited! I love working with little kids. A lot of time they are preferable to adults.

Monday... was nice. I don't remember much about the day; I think we just had class. (Some friends and I did wake up at 5 and went to the Westminster Bridge by Big Ben and watched the sunrise. That was cool, but early). The evening was fun though! Our group got tickets to the Proms (an English musical arts festival, not a dance) in the Albert Memorial Hall and got to listen to a concert by the Pittsburgh philharmonic. It was so beautiful! The music was amazing and the venue was one of the most beautiful I've seen! I'll get a picture up sometime. The return trip was really kind of annoying, starting with us taking the right bus, in the wrong direction. Thankfully, sort of, in a rather amusing way, we ended up having the same bus driver on the return trip, so he let us on without having to pay for another ticket. BTW, none of you are allowed to mention this to anyone.

Tuesday, was also awesome! Class again-- we turned in our first art projects. I liked one, but not the other. This time in the evening, we went to a rendition of Richard III, in the Old Vic theater, with Kevin Spacey as Richard. It was a modern adaptation, (I never like the modern adaptations as much... Sorry) and it was really good! The acting was beautiful; you could tell that the actors were really skilled and had put a lot into the performance.

Wednesday was the walks class... Wasn't too bad.... Not as killer on the legs as the other days were. Another recon visit.

Thursday was pretty cool! Peter, our art professor, had arranged with the British museum to take out some of their private collection to let us look at. We got to see several amazing pieces (all originals!), my favorites being the ones by Michaelangelo, and one by Andrea del Verrocchio. I was really inspired! I actually ended up changing my 480 (studio class) proposal to one being basically about figure studies. Peter said he could arrange for me to come back and study the pictures, as well as some others, alone for hours on end. Mind blowing! Hahahahaha! At this point, just fill in a series of excited responses :D.

Friday and Saturday were nice and casual. Went out and did stuff, but nothing grand or exhausting. Okay, well, it was exhausting, but nothing fancy. Worked on some artwork.

Anyway, it's late, and we head out on our Northern trip (Scotland here I come!) tomorrow, so we'll talk to you later!

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